It seems so much has happened and yet not much at all. This is the off season for us, not many visitors coming through the gates, yet I seem to find myself busier than ever. But, busy is a good thing. I enjoy making new acquaintances via email and helping them plan their trips. I like looking at the empty schedule sheet and filling it in to capacity. This summer is going to a crazy one with guests and interns, but it looks to be exciting. It will be a real test of just how much I have learned because for at least 2 months, I will be without the Bakers. However, in their absence, I will inherit a house, 2 dogs, and something like 8 turtles. Yes, I get to house sit all summer with Chrissy which will be a nice escape from the crazy at the end of each day. I am looking forward to riding a bike to and from work. I am looking forward to having a kitchen that is mine. But I am jumping a little too far ahead.... Before we even make it to the summer, I am heading back to California for sixteen days. I am so excited for this trip. I've already planned out my first few days of meals. Yes, I am planning my visit around food because there are some things I still can't get here. I will be home for Easter which will be nice because I will get to see a lot of family. I know my thoughts are scattered right now, but maybe a few photos will catch you all up on what has been happening this month.......
Viv is here and turned 17 |
I ate a lot |
Henry is just as handsome as ever |
Anabel Lee learned a new face |
Stacey turned 22 |